Week 7: One Minute Reprimands-

How are we doing this week with One Minute Praisings and making sure that we are spending equal time praising those that deserve it?

Anyone have an example from the past week that they would like to share? I would love to hear the impact this has on our associates!

reprimand 2 reprimand 4 reprimand

This week is one minute reprimands- presenting corrective actions or verbally counseling an associate can be difficult.  I am sure we have all had an associate that we dreaded giving a reprimand to- I found this chapter very helpful!

In reading this week, our culture really matches this technique (besides the word “reprimand” which I dont like)- but how often do we stop and let them FEEL how we FEEL about their performance?  Also- How often at the end do you reestablish your expectations of them and thier vaule to us?

How does everyone feel about reprimands? Ever had one that went really bad?? Any lessons learned?

One thought on “Week 7: One Minute Reprimands-

  1. Kelly P. says:

    Yes! It made my day to talk to one of our Sales Coordinators this morning to congratulate her on her promotion to Sales Manager. She has really gone above and beyond.
    Lately, I have been so frustrated with projections that I lost sight of some of the things that are really going right!!!! By letting Pam know that I was so happy to see her hard work pay off, my spirits were instantly lifted. It’s a win/win!

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